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Home  /  Infographics  The Different Types of Autmotive Fasteners: A Guide to Understanding Nuts, Bolts, & Screws
Infographic: The Different Types of Automotive Fasteners: A Guide to Understanding Nuts, Bolts, and Screws Whether you’ve been working in any repair industry (construction, automotive, etc) for decades or for a few days, you’ve undoubtedly used fasteners like nuts, bolts, and screws for a variety of projects. It may come second nature to you or it might be something you’re wanting to learn. Either way, understanding the different kinds of fasteners is important for your success.

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  1. Types of Fasteners

    1. Nuts

    2. Bolts

    3. Screws

  2. Types of Nuts & Bolts

    1. Nuts & bolts are used together to hold something together, making the two parts one fastener

      1. Examples: 

        1. Flange Bolts - Has a flange below the head that helps to even out weight

        2. Allen Bolts - Fit for Allen wrenches

        3. Hex Bolts - Hexagonal in shape on the head of the bolt and are more versatile for smaller spaces. Preferred over square bolt heads when using a wrench

  3. Types of Screws

    1. Most common of all fasteners used in every industry and the easiest to use, requiring nothing else to hold the components in place

      1. Examples: 

        1. Hex Head Screws - Have a six-sided head and are able to bear more weight due to their size / shape

        2. Pan Head Screws - Wider heads, flat surface and countersunk. This type of screw is most common for a variety of projects / industries

        3. Wafer Head Screws - Are known for their low profile and are generally used in electronics

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